
Capella SilverLine Butter Pecan Flavour


Vaping entails drawing the vapour from an electronic cigarette or similar device into one’s mouth, which some argue is less harmful than smoking traditional cigarettes and cigars because no combustion occurs and fewer carcinogenic substances are inhaled. Among other flavors on offer at Capella, butter pecan has been deemed perfect for fall or winter season usage.

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The Capella SilverLine Butter Pecan Flavour is one of the company’s newest flavours that are made with fresh tasting, natural flavours. If you’re a fan of pecan pie filling and all the delicious goodness it brings to your taste buds, then this flavor will be right up your alley! With an aroma so strong, you’ll be smelling it before it even hits your lips! Use for both food recipes or vaping juice – because who doesn’t love “yummy” in every dish!?

Vaping food recipes for Capella Silverline butter pecan flavour lover.

A crowd favorite of all time, the Capella SilverLine Butter Pecan flavour is a not-too-sweet delight for those with a sweet tooth. A decadent profile made from one of the most popular flavours in the world, this e-liquid from Capella Silverline is perfect for any occasion or mood you might be feeling. You’ll change your mind about vaping being just absent of sweetness when you try out this iconic flavor!
This product also comes in a handy multipurpose bottle that features top-shelf durability and long pouring spout to meet anyone’s needs. With three delicious options that each give off a subtle aroma, sticking to one will require some commitment.

This guiltless indulgence of creamy Butter Pecan flavour is a multipurpose blend that can be used in many ways. The Capella SilverLine Butter Pecan Flavour blends the rich, buttery taste of real toasted nuts with an alluring richness and light peppery finish. Irresistible for blending with various recipes or just on its own.

You have had the ice cream and the cake, now try Silverline’s secret recipe of rich butter and nutty pecans! A classic flavor crave caramelized butter, vanilla, and roasted pecans!

Additional information

Weight 0.05 kg
Bottle Size

10ml, 30ml, 100ml


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